Social Venture Partners Tokyo (SVP Tokyo) is a network of engaged philanthropists (Partners) that aims to accelerate social entrepreneurship in Japan. Founded in 2003, SVP Tokyo joined Social Venture Partners International (SVPI) officially in 2006 as its first Asian affiliate. We contribute our professional know-how, financial resources and philanthropic passion to social entrepreneurs.


SVP Tokyo is a dual-mission organization that focuses on both our Investees and Partners. We seek to catalyze significant, long-term social innovation through:

  • Investees’ fulfillment of their mission: SVP Tokyo helps Investees strengthen the organizational capacity to more effectively achieve positive social change.
  • Partners’ development as a philanthropist: Partners gain rich insights into community issues and grow as an engaged, informed and inspired philanthropists through the experience of collaboration with Investees.

How SVP Investment Works

Individuals who are registered as ‘Partners’ will select investees in which they will invest both their time and money. The Investees are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Are entrepreneurial in spirit.
  • Have a workable, effective and sustainable approach to accomplish change.
  • Have broad appeal to people, and attract resources.
  • Address the root causes of problems to bring about lasting social impact, and desire to expand, replicate, or otherwise leverage programs that have proven results.

Partner Empowerment

At SVP Tokyo, we believe that the success lies in the nurturing of the Partner’s potential as philanthropists. Therefore various training opportunities have been organized to equip them with the necessary tools.

Corporate Partnership

Since September 2009, UBS has been an important supporter for SVP Tokyo.

About Social Venture Partners International

The SVP model was created in 1997 in Seattle, Washington, under the inspiration of Paul Brainerd, Aldus Corporation founder and president. The vision of the founders was to build a philanthropic community using a model that paralleled venture capital practices.

Key tenets of this approach to philanthropy include long-term, highly engaged investments of money, resources and expertise to develop the capacity and sustainability of local non-profits (Investees). This model is known as “Venture Philanthropy”. SVP seeks to catalyze significant, long-term positive social change in their communities by educating individuals to be well informed, effective and engaged philanthropists and investing time, expertise and money in innovative nonprofits to collaboratively strengthen their organizations


Address: 3-15-4 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0023 Japan





In various circumstances of adult such as the mental illness of the parent, Pulusualuha supports children doing its best

Pulusualuha is a project team that is made up of a psychiatrist and a nurse, making the psychoeducational tools such as picture books and working on the spread.

When a child who has a parent with a mental illness (depression, schizophrenia, alcoholism) is not taken care of without receiving explanation from anyone about the state of the parent, he or she may feel it is one’s fault. Such a child feels anxiety and loneliness without being able to develop self-esteem and talk with anyone.

However, in Japan, there are few actions or tools to explain the circumstances that adult has to children. Pulusualuha makes a tool (a picture book or text) * to explain the current state of things is “not your fault” by words to reach the child, and aims a state that child and family can find a Happier life by sending it to neighboring adults and children.

*「The picture book which explains the mental illness of the family to a child」series (Yumani Shobo Publishing) already published; ?depression part ??schizophrenia part ?alcoholism part

Representative: Yoko Kitano(Years invested: 2014-)